Nawrangpur Municipality

Shankar Kerketta,OAS(S)
Shankar Kerketta,OAS(S)

Executive Officer,
Nabarangpur Municipality


What's New

Deals with personal files & claims of the employees of the corporation.
The Establishment department is the one stop area for various office set up and day to day function of the Nabarangpur Municipality office work. It deals with all general office work, RTI, Issues and Diary, education, medical and any other matter set up under the Nabarangpur Municipality office.
Roles and Functions
• To deal with all general office matter
• To deal with all medical, education and RTI matter related to Nabarangpur Municipality
• To deal with all Issue and diary matter in Nabarangpur Municipality
• To deal with all Pension and Deputation matter in Nabarangpur Municipality

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